Imagine dry lands of Ceará, dominated by semi-arid ‘Caatinga’.
The above 30°C temperature during the day only goes a few degrees lower at night. There are only two seasons - wet and dry, but even during the latter, rain only falls occasionally (600-800mm). In this environment, a few mountains can be found. They raise high into the sky, meeting the clouds moving from the ocean towards the land. The sky Islands. Average temperature during the day is 24°C, and 17°C at night, 1’650mm of rain.
The biggest one in the north-east of Brazil is Serra de Baturité (Baturité Moutain) – home of the biggest existing population of Grey-breasted Parakeet.* Inseridas em uma paisagem dominada pelo bioma da Caatinga, as Serras cearenses são ambientes únicos, que apresentam temperaturas baixas e umidade elevada. Isto ocorre pois estas serras servem como barreiras para as nuvens, o que ocasiona chuvas e possibilita a permanência de um outro bioma: a Mata Atlântica.
Assim é a Serra de Baturité, refúgio de uma das últimas populações do periquito Cara-suja na natureza.
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